How to Appeal

You must have a reconsideration decision from the board before filing an appeal with the Appeals Tribunal.

Information about WSCB Reconsiderations and Appeals

Notice of Appeal Form

A Decision about a Workers’ Claim

For information about Compensation,

please see Part 4 of the Workers’ Safety and Compensation Act 2021(The ‘Act’)

The Act states.

“A Worker, a deceased worker’s dependent, or an employer may appeal a reconsideration decision that was made under subsection 153(5) respecting a claim for compensation to the appeal tribunal.”

The time limitation to appeal a compensation claim is within one year after the date of the reconsideration decision.

The worker, employer, and the board have full standing as a party, and will be invited to participate.

If you are an employer that would like to appeal a decision regarding access to claim information, the time limitation is 14 days after the date of the decision of the board.

WSCB Policies:

Quick Access

For information about Assessment, please see Part 4, Division 11 of the Act

Under Section 155 (2) it states,

“An employer may appeal a reconsideration decision respecting an assessment matter made by the board under subsection 153 (5) to the appeal tribunal, in writing”

The time limitation to appeal assessment matters is within 90 days after the date of the reconsideration decision.

The employer and the board have full standing as a party and will be invited to participate.

WSCB Policies

A Decision about an Employer's Assessment Account

For information about Workplace Health and Safety, please see Part 3 of the Act

Under Section 75 (1) it states,

“A person who is directly affected by a reconsideration decision of the board under subsection 73 (4) may appeal the decision to the appeal tribunal, in writing.”

The Act 73(2) states in part, “…the persons who are directly affected are

(a)  The person who is alleged to have contravened this Part or the regulations or with respect to whom a decision or order has been made;

(b)  The complainant, if any; and

(c)  Any other person the board specifies,”

The time limitation to appeal a decision or order is 21 days.

WSCB Policies:

For information about Work Place Refusals, please see Part 3, Division 5 of the Act.

The time limitation to appeal a Work Place Refusal is 5 days.

WSCB Policies:

A Decision about Workplace Health and Safety

For more information about a Cause of Action, please see Part 4, Division 10 of the Act

Under Section 128 (1) it states,

“Any party to an action may, on notice to all other parties to the action, apply to the board for a determination of whether a cause of action id removed by this Part.”

Section 128 (3) A party to the action may appeal the decision under subsection (2) to the appeal tribunal, in writing.

The time limitation is 14 days after the date of a decision of the Board.

WSCB Policy 7.6:

A Decision about a Cause of Action

For Information about Administrative penalties, please see Part 3, Division 11 of the Act.

Under Section 177(1) it states,

“The person on whom an administrative penalty is imposed may appeal a reconsideration decision of the board that is made under subsection 176(3) to the appeal tribunal, in writing.”

The time limitation is 21 days after the date of a reconsideration decision.

WSCB Policies

A Decision about an Administrative Penalty