The Appeal Tribunal is a quasi-judicial body authorized to hear final level appeals from people on a variety of matters. The tribunal is independent from the Workers’ Safety and Compensation Board.  There are six part-time members on the tribunal: a chair and alternate chair, two members representative of employers and two members representative of workers.  The Minister responsible for the Workers’ Safety and Compensation Act R.S.Y. 2021 appoints tribunal members after consultation with employers, workers, and their representative organizations. The costs of the tribunal are paid out of the compensation fund.

The tribunal has as one of its objectives that the appeals procedure be simple, fair, accessible, and with minimal delays. The work of the tribunal must meet these objectives. In addition, the tribunal’s goals are to:

  • Ensure that workers, dependents of deceased workers and employers are treated with compassion, respect, and fairness;

  • Set down appeals for hearing as soon as possible and with adequate time for the parties and appeal committees to be adequately prepared (such preparation includes (a) obtaining disclosure of the file; (b) preparing a file summary and book of documents, where necessary, for easy reference to relevant materials from the file during the hearing and (c) reviewing the entire record before the hearing);

  • Write good quality decisions in a timely manner;

  • Ensure that tribunal members have adequate training for hearing and deciding appeals.